For order or product queries please call: 01623 636602

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my order take to arrive?
Orders for items which are in stock will be despatched same day if ordered before 2pm. Where items are currently out of stock we will keep you informed of the expected delivery date.  We always email an estimated despatch date within 24 hours (excluding weekends) of receiving your order.

How much is delivery?
Delivery is free of charge.

Am I able to add to my order once it has been placed?
Of course. The sooner the better if you prefer for the whole order to be sent at the same time.  Please ring our sales team on 01623 636 602, quoting your online order number and any member of the sales team will be happy to help.

Will I need to be at work to receive my delivery?
We are not insured to leave your order in an unsecured area; therefore it will need to be signed for.  Please make sure someone is available to sign for the goods.

Can I request a timed next day delivery?
If the item that you have ordered is in stock and ordered before 2:00pm we can achieve a timed next day delivery.  Please call our sales team on 01623 636 602 to request a price for a timed next day delivery if required.

Can I order an item that is not listed on this site?
Items not listed on the site may be available, but you will need to contact Congress House directly for approval.

Can I return my order?
If there is a problem with your order, please contact Pellacraft on 01623 636602 for assistance.

For any other queries, please contact 01623 636 602 for help and assistance.